The OpenID Foundation Board has resolve to begin the OpenID Foundation Kim Cameron Award Program in May 2022. Increasing representation from young people’s who’ve demonstrated an interest in subjects consistent with the OpenID Foundation Mission, to lead the global community in creating identity standards that are secure, interoperable, and privacy preserving.
The OpenID Foundation Kim Cameron Award is a recognition of the importance of mentoring a new generation of domain experts and thought leaders in user centric identity. The Foundation is interested in increasing representation from those who’ve demonstrated an academic and practical interest in subjects consistent with OpenID Foundation’s Mission. The Foundation is collaborating with the European Identity Conference and Identiverse conference organizers, other standards organizations and academics to maximize the value of the awards for recipients and the community at large. The OpenID Foundation Kim Cameron Award Program will complement similar efforts in other organizations to ensure its inclusivity, diversity and international access and opportunity.
Award recipients will be studying, researching, interning or working in a field relevant to one or more OpenID Foundation working groupsand consistent with Foundation’s Mission. The recipients will also be invited to participate in Foundation breakout meetings at the European Identity Conference and Identiverse which will provide exposure to both the Foundation’s business as well as leading technologists.
Scholarship Request Process
Those interested are to send a request for award to director@oidf.org. The request is to include a 300 words or less essay describing why the individual requesting the award is deserving, how it aligns with their current studies/work and how it will help them advance their career in digital identity. The request for scholarship should also include the conference of interest.
The 2022 pilot of the OpenID Foundation Kim Cameron Award includes free admission to Identiverse or the European Identity Conference and a $2000 per diem for travel, lodging and meals at the conference. Award recipients will be required to submit a blog reporting on their experience at the conference and will have the opportunity to enter Kuppinger Cole’s Young Talents Program.
The deadline to submit award requests for both the European Identity Conference and Identiverse is Monday, April 25, 2022 6pm PT. The Foundation will announce scholarship recipients no later than Friday, April 29, 2022.
Please send any question to director@oidf.org.
How to Help Build the Award Program
This is to add a few notes for those interested in contributing human or financial capital to the Kim Cameron Award fund. This is a modest start, a ‘token’ literally and figuratively.
The OpenID Foundation plans to enhance and extend the program with Directed Funding from our members and in collaboration with organizations like OpenID Foundation Japan, Women in Identity and IDPro. We were inspired by a recent article by Professor Evan Peck; A Neglected Pipeline: Improving Undergrad Access to Conferences. Our thanks to the organizers of the Identiverse and European Identity and Cloud Conferences.
For more information on how to contribute to the Kim Cameron Scholarship Program, please contact OpenID Foundation Non-Executive Director, Don Thibeau.