
Public Review Period for Three Shared Signals Drafts

The OpenID Shared Signals Working Group recommends approval of the following three specifications as OpenID Implementer’s Drafts: Shared Signals Framework Draft 03 Other formats: TXT, XML, MD CAEP Draft 03 Other formats: TXT, XML, MD CAEP Interoperability Profile Draft 00 Other formats: TXT, XML, MD An Implementer’s Draft is a stable version of a specification providing intellectual […]

Public Review Period for Proposed Fourth Implementer’s Draft of OpenID Federation

The OpenID Connect Working Group recommends approval of the following specification as an OpenID Implementer’s Draft: OpenID Federation 1.0 This would be the fourth Implementer’s Draft of this specification. An Implementer’s Draft is a stable version of a specification providing intellectual property protections to implementers of the specification. This note starts the 45-day public review […]

Implementer’s Draft of OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance Approved

The OpenID Foundation membership has approved the following specification as an OpenID Implementer’s Draft: OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance 1.0 This is the first Implementer’s Draft of this specification. An Implementer’s Draft is a stable version of a specification providing intellectual property protections to implementers of the specification. This specification is a product of the […]

Public Review Period for Proposed Implementer’s Draft of OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance

The OpenID Connect Working Group recommends approval of the following specification as an OpenID Implementer’s Draft: OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance 1.0 This would be the first Implementer’s Draft of this specification. An Implementer’s Draft is a stable version of a specification providing intellectual property protections to implementers of the specification. This note starts the […]

Second Implementer’s Draft of Shared Signals Framework Specification Approved

The OpenID Foundation membership has approved the following Shared Signals specifications as OpenID Implementer’s Drafts: OpenID Shared Signals Framework Specification An Implementer’s Draft is a stable version of a specification providing intellectual property protections to implementers of the specification. This is the second Shared Signals Framework Implementer’s Drafts. The Implementer’s Draft is available at:  […]

Notice of Vote for Proposed Implementer’s Draft of Shared Signals Framework Specification

The voting period will be between Tuesday, November 28, 2023 and Tuesday, December 5, 2023, once the 45-day review of the specifications has been completed. The Shared Signals working group page is If you’re not already a member, or if your membership has expired, please consider joining to participate in the approval vote. Information […]

Public Review Period for Shared Signals Framework Specification

The OpenID Shared Signals Working Group recommends approval of the following specification as OpenID Implementer’s Draft: OpenID Shared Signals Framework Specification This would be the second Implementer’s Draft of this specification. An Implementer’s Draft is a stable version of a specification providing intellectual property protections to implementers of the specification. This note starts the 45-day […]

Second Implementer’s Draft of Grant Management for OAuth 2.0 Approved

The OpenID Foundation membership has approved the following Financial-grade API (FAPI) specification as an OpenID Implementer’s Draft: Grant Management for OAuth 2.0 An Implementer’s Draft is a stable version of a specification providing intellectual property protections to implementers of the specification. This is the first Implementer’s Draft of this specification. The Implementer’s Draft is available […]