Australian ConnectID: FAPI RP Payment Instructions

If you received a coupon code from ConnectID for FAPI RP certification, please follow the instructions below to redeem coupon: 

  1. Start at the certification payment page: Enter the unique code in Step 1 and complete the rest of the details. The RP will then be presented with a $0 certification fee and then select “Complete Checkout”.  
  2. You will receive an email at address provided in above step confirming the coupon with a unique payment code and instructions on the next steps of submitting a certification request.
    • Do not lose this code as it cannot be regenerated 
  3. You will then submit certification request for the OIDF certification service desk where you will enter the unique payment code received on previous step: 


If you did not receive a coupon code from ConnectID, then follow the instructions here.