The OpenID Foundation is proud to announce that, for the work building the “OpenID for Verifiable Credentials” family of specifications, members of the Digital Credentials Protocol (DCP) Work Group won the “Future Technologies and Standards” award at the European Identity and Cloud Conference.
For the last several years, this group has been working tirelessly to develop scalable OpenID specifications attuned to Issuer-Holder-Verifier use cases. This family of specifications enable both the issuance and presentation of digital credentials - regardless of their format - and pseudonymous authentication. The net result of their work will be that end-users gain control, privacy, and portability over their identity information. And their constant, simultaneous focus on verifiers underpins a solid path to adoption.
You can learn more by listening to WG Chair, Kristina Yasuda, speak about how Digital Identity Wallets can “cross the chasm” to widespread adoption during her EIC Keynote.
This award recognizes the impact that the WG has already had on the market (learn more on their landing page):
- The European Architecture and Reference Framework lists several of their specs as required for certain use cases
- 3 draft ISO standards reference DCP specifications
- 18 wallets in the European Commission EBSI project support them
- NIST plans to implement reference implementations of OID4VP to present mdocs/MDL
To further support and enable OID4VC implementers, the Work Group has been engaging closely with the OpenID Certification team to develop tests that will ensure that deployments are interoperable and secure. There are already draft tests for Verifiable Presentations being trialed by a number wallets and the Foundation is working with NIST and other partners for more. So stay tuned!
Thank you so much to the DCP WG for their efforts, their commitment to the work of the Foundation, and their advocacy for the users at the heart of this family of standards.
Congratulations to Kristina Yasuda, Torsten Lodderstedt, Joseph Heenan, Tobias Looker, Oliver Terbu, Paul Bastian, John Bradley, Mike Jones, Fabian Hauck, Jan Vereecken, Nat Sakimura, Gail Hodges, Daniel Fett, Brian Campbell, Christian Bormann, and all others who have participated in and progressed this work.
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