Three OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance Final Specifications Approved

The OpenID Foundation membership has approved the following three OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance specifications as an OpenID Final Specifications: OpenID Identity Assurance Schema Definition 1.0 – OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance Claims Registration 1.0 – OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0 – A Final Specification provides intellectual property protections to implementers of […]
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and OpenID Foundation in Liaison Agreement on eKYC & IDA for Legal Entities
The OpenID Foundation (OIDF), the international standards development organization which maintains the OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance (OIDC4IDA) standard, and the Japanese Government’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) have signed a liaison agreement to work together. Under the agreement, METI will lead policy efforts to implement identity assurance frameworks for legal entities in […]
OpenID Foundation Co-Sponsoring Santander Digital Trust Hackathon
The OpenID Foundation is excited to be a co-sponsor for the Santander Digital Trust Hackathon. This global virtual hackathon will capitalize on Santander’s Digital Trust API and the need to innovate how data is shared, verified and trusted. The goal is to reimagine how we verify identity and validate data, while ensuring users’ privacy. OpenID […]
The eKYC & IDA Working Group Welcomes the Proposal of the European Commission to Extend the Scope of eIDAS Trust Services
The eKYC and Identity Assurance Working Group (eKYC & IDA WG) of the OpenID Foundation welcomes the proposal of the Commission to extend the scope of eIDAS trust services by introducing a new trust service for identification, authentication and for the provision of attributes, credentials and attestations and allowing the provision of identification for devices […]
OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance now has a dedicated home
The OpenID Foundation has started the new eKYC and Identity Assurance Working Group, which will develop OpenID specifications for providing Relying Parties with identity information, i.e. Verified Claims, along with an explicit attestation of the verification status of those Claims (what, how, when, according to what rules, using what evidence). “eKYC” is an industry acronym […]