“Exploring Financial-grade API (FAPI) with Torsten” Podcast is Live
The OpenID Foundation is pleased to sponsor the Identity, Unlocked second season premiere podcast featuring host Vittorio Bertocci and special guest Torsten Lodderstedt, “Exploring Financial-grade API (FAPI) with Torsten”. Torsten is a long time member of and contributor to the OpenID Foundation. Torsten has contributed significantly to the FAPI security profile and is the co-chair […]
OpenID Foundation and Open Banking Implementation Entity Continue Collaboration with Conformance and Certification Workshop at OAuth Security Workshop 2020
The OpenID Foundation (OIDF) and the UK Open Banking Implementation Entity (OBIE), continue our collaboration efforts building on the success of our recent workshop focused on Financial-grade API (FAPI) conformance and certification. It was a deep dive into the technical interface of our open, international standard with the OBIE’s functional UK standard. More workshops are […]
Collaboration at the Core: The OpenID Foundation and the UK Open Banking Implementation Entity Host Conformance and Certification Workshop
The OpenID Foundation (OIDF) and our development partner, the UK Open Banking Implementation Entity (OBIE), recently hosted a workshop focused on Financial-grade API (FAPI) conformance and certification. It was a deep dive into the technical interface of our open, global standard with the OBIE’s functional UK standard. Our success metrics: over 125 active participants, a […]
Guest Blog: Implementing App-to-App Authorisation in OAuth2/OpenID Connect
What is app2app? App2app is a mechanism that allows mobile apps performing OAuth2 or OpenID Connect based authentication to offer a much simpler faster flow if the user already has an app provided by the authorization server owner installed on their mobile device. Here’s how it actually looks when I grant the moneyhub app on […]
OpenID Certification Program Expands with the Release of Financial-grade API Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication Profile (FAPI-CIBA) Certification
The OpenID Foundation announced today its expansion of the OpenID Certification program with conformance testing and self-certification of Financial-grade API Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication Profile (FAPI-CIBA) OpenID Providers. The ability to self-certify FAPI-CIBA implementations builds on the availability and success of Financial-grade API (FAPI) certifications whereby a number of vendors including banks have certified their […]