GAIN Community Group: An Update

Over the last two years, the GAIN POC Community Group has been working steadily on demonstrating that disparate digital identity implementations can be integrated. We have been through two cycles that largely ended up with the same high-level process: Agree specifics Implement code changes Integrate & demonstrate interoperability The two cycles were quite different at […]
Announcing “GAIN in 2023” Whitepaper
We are delighted to announce the joint publication of “GAIN in 2023” which is a collaboration between six organizations who continue to pursue the vision of interoperable high trust identity networks, as articulated in the “GAIN Digital Trust” paper, published in 2021 by 156 independent identity industry experts and stakeholders. The paper explores all the […]
Introducing the Global Assured Identity Network (GAIN) Proof of Concept Community Group
The OpenID Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of the Global Assured Identity Network (GAIN) Proof of Concept Community Group, which aims to test the technical hypotheses underlying the “GAIN Digital Trust” white paper. Back in September 2021, more than 150 co-authors called for the creation of a globally interoperable network for high-trust identity […]
Announcing the GAIN POC Pre-launch “Listening Tour”
As a follow up to our blog announcement on September 20th heralding our plans to host the Global Assured Identity Network POC, we are delighted to kickoff our GAIN POC pre-launch “listening tour.” The objective of these sessions is to gather input for shaping the Community Group program targeted to launch in December of this year. […]
Global Assured Identity Network White Paper
The Global Assured Identity Network White Paper was the centerpiece of the OpenID Foundation’s Chairman Nat Sakimura’s keynote at the European Identity Conference just a few days ago. His presentation can be found at Nat describes GAIN as an overlay network on top of the Internet with all its participants identity proofed. One key benefit of the […]