
New Shared Signals Drafts

Authors / Shared Signals Co-Chairs: Atul Tulshibagwale, SGNL; Shayne Miel, Cisco; Sean O’Dell, Disney; and Tim Cappalli, Okta The OpenID SSWG has released three new drafts for review by the OpenID Foundation membership. We would like to describe the salient features of these drafts here. At the end of the 45-day review period, members can […]

Public Review Period for Three Shared Signals Drafts

The OpenID Shared Signals Working Group recommends approval of the following three specifications as OpenID Implementer’s Drafts: Shared Signals Framework Draft 03 Other formats: TXT, XML, MD CAEP Draft 03 Other formats: TXT, XML, MD CAEP Interoperability Profile Draft 00 Other formats: TXT, XML, MD An Implementer’s Draft is a stable version of a specification providing intellectual […]

OIDF Welcomes Mastercard to the Board

The OpenID Foundation (OIDF) is thrilled to welcome Mastercard to the Board of Directors as a Sustaining Member. Since joining in 2022 as a Corporate Member, Mastercard has been involved in several OIDF Work Groups. The Foundation welcomes Mastercard as a global technology leader in the payments industry.  “Mastercard have long been leaders in the […]

Post-Quantum Identity Standards

Image generated by Dall-e At its pre-IIW workshop on Monday, April 14, the OpenID Foundation convened a panel on Post-Quantum Computing and Identity. The panelists included: Andrea D’Intino, Nancy Cam-Winget, Cisco John Bradley, Yubico Rick Byers, Google Gail Hodges, OpenID Foundation (moderator) This summary draws out general themes and comments are not attributed to […]

Shared Signals: Enhanced Security for All

Last month, at the Gartner Identity and Access Management Summit in London, industry leaders showcased successful, interoperable implementations of the Shared Signals Framework (SSF) and Continuous Access Evaluation Profile (CAEP). This included Okta, SailPoint, and Cisco as well as security startups SGNL, VeriClouds, and Helisoft.  The SSF suite of standards underpins Zero-Trust architectures and promises […]

The Importance of OpenID Foundation Shared Signals Framework

Published December, 2023, revised February 14, 2024 to confirm interoperability demonstration at Gartner IAM conference held in London, UK. Blog authored by Apoorva Deshpande, Engineering Leader, Okta. The OpenID Foundation Shared Signals Framework (SSF) is an emerging and promising standard for sharing security signals between trusted parties. It has the potential to play a significant […]

Second Implementer’s Draft of Shared Signals Framework Specification Approved

The OpenID Foundation membership has approved the following Shared Signals specifications as OpenID Implementer’s Drafts: OpenID Shared Signals Framework Specification An Implementer’s Draft is a stable version of a specification providing intellectual property protections to implementers of the specification. This is the second Shared Signals Framework Implementer’s Drafts. The Implementer’s Draft is available at:  […]

Notice of Vote for Proposed Implementer’s Draft of Shared Signals Framework Specification

The voting period will be between Tuesday, November 28, 2023 and Tuesday, December 5, 2023, once the 45-day review of the specifications has been completed. The Shared Signals working group page is If you’re not already a member, or if your membership has expired, please consider joining to participate in the approval vote. Information […]

What’s New in the Shared Signals Framework?

Authors: Atul Tulshibagwale (SGNL), Apoorva Deshpande (Okta), and Shayne Miel (Cisco Duo). A new draft of the Shared Signals Framework has been released for public review. Here’s how it is different from the previous version. The OpenID Shared Signals Working Group (SSWG) has made important changes to the Shared Signals Framework (SSF) from the first […]

Public Review Period for Shared Signals Framework Specification

The OpenID Shared Signals Working Group recommends approval of the following specification as OpenID Implementer’s Draft: OpenID Shared Signals Framework Specification This would be the second Implementer’s Draft of this specification. An Implementer’s Draft is a stable version of a specification providing intellectual property protections to implementers of the specification. This note starts the 45-day […]