EAP Working Group - Charter

EAP Working Group
EAP Working Group
EAP Working Group
EAP Working Group
1) Working Group name
2) Purpose
The purpose of this working group is to develop a security and privacy profile of the OpenID Connect specifications that enable users to authenticate to OpenID Providers using strong authentication specifications. The resulting profile will enable use of IETF Token Binding specifications with OpenID Connect and integration with FIDO relying parties and/or other strong authentication technologies.
3) Scope
Develop a set of applicable use cases and requirements that are specific enough to guide the profiling design work, considering interrelations with risk mitigation and user experience efforts.
Define a profile of OpenID Connect for requesting and reporting the use of strong authentication and/or token binding.
- Specify the way that token binding is used with OpenID Connect.
Promote progressive harmonization with existing specifications and protocols, as appropriate.
The specification is to be based on OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0, JWT, JOSE, FIDO, and other related OpenID Foundation, IETF, W3C, and FIDO Alliance specifications.
The following efforts are out of scope:
- Development existing and future FIDO protocols and specifications.
- Development of new extensions or technical specifications beyond adding new values to existing data structures.
All items not expressly mentioned as in scope or out of scope are to be determined by the Working Group.
4) Proposed specifications
The following layered specifications will be produced, with precise specification names and boundaries subject to change:
- Enhanced Authentication Profile for OpenID Connect.
5) Anticipated audience or users
The anticipated audience for the documents produced by this Working Group includes developers, deployers, and designers of online services and network devices that act on behalf of individuals using strong authentication services. The group also anticipates gathering input from individual users of online services in order to respond to their needs and preferences.
6) Language
Work will be conducted in English.
7) Method of work
E-mail discussions on the working group mailing list, regular working group conference calls, and opportunistic face-to-face meetings when a significant number of active members are co- located.
8) Basis for determining when the work is completed
The work will be considered complete once it is apparent that maximal consensus on the drafts has been achieved, consistent with the purpose and scope of the charter, and interoperability with at least two independently developed implementations of software based on the profiles has been demonstrated.
Related works
- IETF JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) Working Group
- IETF OAuth Working Group
- IETF Token Binding Working Group
- OpenID Foundation OpenID Connect Working Group
- OpenID Foundation MODRNA Working Group
- OpenID Foundation HEART Working Group
- OpenID Foundation iGov Working Group
- FIDO UAF, U2F and FIDO 2.0 Working Groups
- W3C Web Authentication Working Group (proposed)
Anthony Nadalin, Microsoft
Michael B. Jones, Microsoft
John Bradley, Ping Identity
Nat Sakimura, Nomura Research Institute
Torsten Lodderstedt, Deutsche Telekom
Adam Dawes, Google
Anticipated contributions
The working group intends to expedite the process of gathering stakeholder representatives to collaborate in the development of profiles to support secure and privacy enhancing online authentication, authorization, and consent when accessing public sector and/or other high value private sector services.
This Working Group has a number of dependencies on, and shared goals with, the output of these other efforts:
IETF JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) Working Group
IETF OAuth Working Group
IETF Token Binding Working Group
OpenID Foundation OpenID Connect Working Group
OpenID Foundation MODRNA Working Group
OpenID Foundation HEART Working Group
OpenID Foundation iGov Working Group
FIDO UAF, U2F and FIDO 2.0 Working Groups
W3C Web Authentication Working Group (proposed)
This Working Group will target producing use cases and requirements within 2 months of inception in order to guide its design effort, and will target 6-12 months overall to develop a V1.0 set of profiles and other auxiliary materials, facilitating the development of multiple independent draft implementations during this time. The following are suggested initial milestones for consideration by the Working Group:
- November 2015: Approval of Working Group creation.
- June 2016 Approve Implementer’s drafts (within 12 months after formal kickoff of WG).
- Interop testing among multiple implementations (once Implementer’s Drafts are available).
- December 2016 Approve Final profiles (6-12 months after Implementer’s Drafts)